17 October 2005

From the Spartacist Revolt of January 1919, comes this picture of a Spartacist fighter engaged in battle in the streets of Berlin, Germany. For those of you out there who've never heard of the Spartacists and their revolt, the Spartacists were radical German Socialists(kinda the fore-runners of the German Communist Party), who rose up against the Social Democratic-led government of the new-born Weimar Republic. Named after Spartacus, leader of an ill-fated slave revolt against the Roman Empire in the First Century CE, the Spartacists hoped to overthrow not only the Social Democrats, whom they regarded as sell-outs, but the German political, military and economic establishment that had backed Kaiser Wilhelm the Second's plunging Germany in the First World War. Fierce street fighting, especially in the Berlin area, lasted for several weeks, before the Spartacists were crushed, mainly by right-wing militia bands known as the Freikorps(Free Corps) composed of recently-discharged Imperial German soldiers and officers.

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