16 November 2005

More Links In The Chain

Just givin' y'all a brief heads-up that I've posted two more links to this blog.

One is just above the link to my Yahoo Photos album link(second from the bottom of the Links list), and the other's just below it.

Both of these sites are left-wing in nature, with the first being a blog based out of Montreal Quebec, that I got the link to in an article about the Paris riots a week or so back.

Of course, Sketchy Thoughts' blogger deals with a lot more than just those riots, as he covers political and cultural bits of news and info from around the globe.

Well worth a look, I think.

The other's a site called SovMusic.ru, and, yes, Virginia, it's based out of Russia, and is devoted to old Soviet and other Communist songs of the 20th Century from over a very wide portion of the world.

You can down-load either song lyrics and sheet music or MP3 recordings of these tunes for nothin'.

You read me right-nothin', zip, zero, nada, bupkis.

So, whether you're an old nostalgic longing for some of the tunes of your youth, an up-and-comin' Commie looking to get in touch with the musical heritage of your movement, or simply a curious cat who'd maybe like to get a glimpse of what folks in the "Evil Empire" and so on were singin' about, this is the site for you.

Not to mention, you just can't beat the price of down-loadin' these tunes anywhere, period.

Three and a Half Stars. Joe Bob, if he were here, would tell ya to check it out.

Since he ain't, I'll tell ya to check it out.

One last bit: if you click on the Yahoo Photos link, all you have to do to access the sucker is enter in your Yahoo ID, if you're a Yahoo member.

If y'ain't, well, you can register with Yahoo, which is free to do, and go from there, or decline and exit.

Will soon post a link or two I have to some more of my figure pics in other on-line action figure groups, so you can see for yourselves, without havin' to register with any on-line service.

Sorry I didn't post this before, when I first put up the link. I should have, and have no excuses(none believeable)for not doin' so.

Be Seeing You, as they used say in The Prisoner.

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