25 October 2005

News And Weather

Just read about the deaths, respectively, of Rosa Parks and of the 2000th American soldier in Iraq.

At least, Ms. Parks died at the age of 92, and was part of a greater, more beneficial enterprise than the poor GI who ate it in Iraq.

She had her chance at life and achievement, and made the most of both. The GI, along with the 1,999 of his or her colleagues, plus the estimated 50-100, 000 Iraqi civilian and military dead, didn't even get that.

What a useless, criminal waste.

It was rainin' here in Vegas to-day, and, were I a believer in the Deity, I might say that it was him or her sheddin' tears over those losses.

But, it was really Nature and co-incidence playing their parts in that.

Besides, there are more than enough human tears and lamentations to cover those losses and then some.

To the families of Ms. Parks, the 2000th GI, and all the others dead because of this stupid, useless war, may your loved ones Rest In Peace, and may they live in your memories for as long as you live.

My condolences go out to you.

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